
200 yards...

200 yards = 182.88 meters = 7200 inches = 0.113636364 miles...

However, 200 yards is not just any ol' measurement but it happens to be the name of one of Lightbox SF's unique photo projects currently happening in San Francisco.  Their idea behind the project is to highlight a micro-neighborhood that branches a 200 yard radius from a specific point.  Within that radius is free range for photographers, of all kinds, to take photos of what compels them or what they think defines that area.

Their 4th show is happening at Dickerman Prints which is the center point of the radius.  I've decided to enter the contest for the affordable fee of $25 for each 5 photos entered.  So, I had a photo adventure of the area the other day with my friend Aaron.  Lots of neat industrial buildings housing dance studios and lofts lined the streets.  I kind of found it a difficult area to photograph but these are my final five photos that I came up with and entered.  I guess we'll see what comes of it; wish me luck!

Check out 200 Yards for more information...

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