
Tintype Photography.

Tintype photography was a fast and easy way for photographers to "print" out their photographs on thin sheets of metal.  It became popular in the mid-1850s, lasting through the early 1900s.  

Most recently, a tintype of Billy the Kid was discovered and sold at an auction for $2.3 million.  The lucky son-of-a-gun-billionaire who fronted the millions for the purchase lives in Florida and said that he plans "on enjoying it and discreetly sharing it".  Wish he was my friend!  Check out the full Billy the Kid tintype article.

Anyways, what intrigued me most about this story was that when I was at the Alemany Flea Market in San Francisco, with my mom insisted on buying me one of those antique tintype photographs.  It's of two fellas sporting suits, ties, and mustaches, casually positioned in front of a backdrop of the famous Cliff House.  Isn't it neat?

I don't think that my tintype will be going for $2.3 million at an auction anytime soon, but I like having this little piece of history nestled in my shadow box.


Brixton: Photo of the Month

Brixton is a company that was started in 2004 as a unique collaboration between three friends for fashion, music, and all things inspirational to them. I would say that their style is laid back and hipster, while targeting the boarding crowd. They host a Photo of the Month contest and it's free. Winners get some sort of grab bag Brixton prize pack...most likely consisting of last year's leftover XXL t-shirts and stickers...but, hey...it's a prize if you win, none the less.

So, I submitted a few photos that I had already taken, keeping in mind their style and crossed my fingers for winning that XXL t-shirt - perfect for sleeping in!

I came up short, but was honored to be a runner up. Check out my runner-up photo!

Also, check out July's winning photo and all the other runner-ups at Brixton: Photo of the Month July 2011