
Tintype Photography.

Tintype photography was a fast and easy way for photographers to "print" out their photographs on thin sheets of metal.  It became popular in the mid-1850s, lasting through the early 1900s.  

Most recently, a tintype of Billy the Kid was discovered and sold at an auction for $2.3 million.  The lucky son-of-a-gun-billionaire who fronted the millions for the purchase lives in Florida and said that he plans "on enjoying it and discreetly sharing it".  Wish he was my friend!  Check out the full Billy the Kid tintype article.

Anyways, what intrigued me most about this story was that when I was at the Alemany Flea Market in San Francisco, with my mom insisted on buying me one of those antique tintype photographs.  It's of two fellas sporting suits, ties, and mustaches, casually positioned in front of a backdrop of the famous Cliff House.  Isn't it neat?

I don't think that my tintype will be going for $2.3 million at an auction anytime soon, but I like having this little piece of history nestled in my shadow box.


Brixton: Photo of the Month

Brixton is a company that was started in 2004 as a unique collaboration between three friends for fashion, music, and all things inspirational to them. I would say that their style is laid back and hipster, while targeting the boarding crowd. They host a Photo of the Month contest and it's free. Winners get some sort of grab bag Brixton prize pack...most likely consisting of last year's leftover XXL t-shirts and stickers...but, hey...it's a prize if you win, none the less.

So, I submitted a few photos that I had already taken, keeping in mind their style and crossed my fingers for winning that XXL t-shirt - perfect for sleeping in!

I came up short, but was honored to be a runner up. Check out my runner-up photo!

Also, check out July's winning photo and all the other runner-ups at Brixton: Photo of the Month July 2011


Stop Motion Video - "Forget Me Not"

Decided to give stop-motion video a try with my 5D Mark II... Hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed making!



I made these necklaces a couple months ago from resale store pins.  I liked the idea of making them into horizontal pendants rather than the more common vertical type.  Lucky for me, all three sold while I was consigning at Design Collective in Minneapolis.  

While there are plenty of resale stores out here in San Francisco, many don't have the same price ranges that I'm used, but I'm still on the hunt for the good deals!


Stamp and Ink

Just putzing the day away with typewriter letter stamps, no big deal.  If you are in search for some stamps, try the local thrift store first because crafts store stamps are way over priced. 


200 yards...

200 yards = 182.88 meters = 7200 inches = 0.113636364 miles...

However, 200 yards is not just any ol' measurement but it happens to be the name of one of Lightbox SF's unique photo projects currently happening in San Francisco.  Their idea behind the project is to highlight a micro-neighborhood that branches a 200 yard radius from a specific point.  Within that radius is free range for photographers, of all kinds, to take photos of what compels them or what they think defines that area.

Their 4th show is happening at Dickerman Prints which is the center point of the radius.  I've decided to enter the contest for the affordable fee of $25 for each 5 photos entered.  So, I had a photo adventure of the area the other day with my friend Aaron.  Lots of neat industrial buildings housing dance studios and lofts lined the streets.  I kind of found it a difficult area to photograph but these are my final five photos that I came up with and entered.  I guess we'll see what comes of it; wish me luck!

Check out 200 Yards for more information...



Over the weekend I visited one of the most amazing stores in San Francisco, Paxton Gate.  It's located on Valencia Street in the Mission between 19th and 20th street.  Paxton Gate offers unique landscaping services but it's store is filled with wonderful artifacts of the natural world.  Various taxidermy line the walls along with terrariums filled with moss and succulents.  They have wonderful one-of-a-kind jewelry, numerous books on critters and gardening, and carnivorous plants to rid you of any fruit fly problems.  I found a nice chunk of pyrite for $3 and turned it into this hefty piece of jewelry.

I highly recommend stopping in to see what beautiful creations they have come up with and it's a perfect place to buy a one-of-a-kind gift.  

A few of my favorite things...

As I was syncing my iPhone with my computer this morning, I decided to flip through the hundreds of photos I've taken with it.  Here is a highlight of some of what I miss from my 7 years spent living in Minneapolis...

Thrifting with buddies...
Snowy, snowy Winters

...and pals

Backyard patio
Cupcakes 'n Coffee at Cake Eater Bakery

Garage with the boys
1101 Roommates
Minnesota Summers on the Lake


Tree House Hotel

I have been trying to find a tree house hotel of sorts in either Northern California or Southern Oregon to stay at this September.  It's apparently the new, eco-friendly, way to sleep.  Not sure if it's reallllly eco-friendly since other trees were savaged to make the tree house.  Either way, I thought it would be a neat way to spend a night.

As I was searching around, I came across "Motel Trees" located in Klamath, California.  I was excited until I scrolled down their web page and discovered what "Motel Trees" actually looked like.  How deceiving and a BIG let down.

See for yourself:

Now, this is a place that I would like to stay!

Read more at: http://www.treehousepoint.com/


Owl Mania

It may be an understatement that I like owls.  I spotted 14 "owls" in my apartment the other day.  But, hey, whooooo's counting?

1.  Brass Trinkets
2.  Homemade Gem Magnet 
3.  Metal Dish
4.  Abstract Print
5.  Cast Iron Trivet
6.  Framed Illustration

1.  Vintage Napkin Holder
2.  1970's Cookie Jar
3.  Lavishy Wallet - www.lavishy.com 
4.  Metal Dish
5.  Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers

I could have also added some 1970's coffee mugs to the list but apparently they got "lost" in the shuffle earlier this year when I moved to San Fran.  Sad day.


Lately I been plunking my time and energy into making jewelry.  The hope is that if I send enough local boutiques photos of my pieces, they'll want to sell them for me, and then I can eat dinner that is a step up from peanut butter sandwiches.

Sea Bean Pendants:

Rifle Shells and Charms:

Rock Pendants:


Earth Day - Save a Whale

A Whale of a Tale : For sake's almighty, don't drive your boat near these whales. Thank you.


Plum Sugar Designs is going to be a grab bag blog.  Posts will include anything from recent thrift store finds to pictures of the bum sleeping outside my house to farmer's market purchases to constructed one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces.

Blog posts will be a surprise to us both because many factors will go into determining what that day's post will be about.  Possible factors may include the weather, how much caffeine I've consumed, or what Pandora station is playing on my computer.

Either way, stop by and see what is in store that day at Plum Sugar Designs.